For the past two years, Rick has been learning about Kibera,the largest slum in Africa,located in Nairobi Kenya. With the help of our partners, we are starting a church planting ministry school that will teach us how to better initiate discipleship ministries that transform slum communities and excellerate evangelism in the poorest urban communities in the world
Gardens are springing up all over the slums largely inside these large grain sacks. There may not be much room to grow a significant amount of food in the slums, but I think such projects are good for the soul and every little bit helps.
I met Enoch about 6 months ago and was amazed at his courage, raising 4 children on his own with little help from the community after his wife died. Enoch succumbed to AIDS just a week ago. He was a gentle and humble pastor in Kibera. AIDS is claiming the lives of some very precious people and leaving many homeless children in its wake.
These are the young men from a church we effectionately call “Bling Bling” a name given to one of the businesses run by one of these young men. Bling Bling is a popular slang phrase that desribes people who where big flashy jewelry. Bling Bling is a moving business that transports all sorts of things about the slums and backroads of the city by hand pulled carts. Bolo Job, second from the left has no parents and has essentially raised himself. His brothers in this emerging church are his only real family and they are real family.
When this bike passed me in the slum, I had to run behind until I could get this picture. When was the last time you saw a bumper sticker saying so much in so few words? “God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.” Ephesians 1:22-23
We were required to read “Where there is no doctor” as we prepared for mission service. Actually we could have taken Josiah over the mountain to a doctor to have his cast removed. But as we considered the difficult journey and the huge crowds with whom we’d have to wait to see a doctor. How eager Josiah was to be free. Well, one thing led to another and we just took it off. He’s doing fine and we are comforted to see him much more careful these days – at least for now!
Many of the faithful in Nairobi, gather beneath tents, all over the city each Sunday. True children of Abraham! Our family has been blessed in many unexpected ways through the ministries of Nairobi Chapel. Timothy will be going through a “Rite of Passage” called “ROPES” as he enters his 13 year. Debra and the children are engaged weekly by the effective relevant teaching. Pastor Oscar has been a great strength to Rick, guiding him and helping him to organize for greater effectiveness in ministry as he participates with the staff and works with Oscar to develop outreach strategies to Kibera.