Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our Partners with fuzzy face

Karen and Wilson Oyango on my right. Wilson grew up in Kibera and has returned, a gifted pastor and evangelist to serve with his wife, Karen. Karen studies at a local theological school and together with Wilson pastors a children’s church in Kibera. Karen is a cross cultural witness from Germany.
Linda and Frank Nyamache on my left. Frank also grew up in a Kenyan slum, trained for ministry in Australia and together with Linda planted Nairobi Beliver’s Mission in Kibera. Linda is a gifted children’s minister and her and Frank’s vision for family life is the driving force behind their church. 150 children are attending their Saturday and Sunday ministries. Recently, Wilson led 24 ex-gangsters to the Lord and we are discipling them through the ministries of Nairobi Believer’s Mission.
Together we are developing an equipping ministry for youth and children’s ministers in the slums as well as micro finance ministry for these ex-gangsters and other young people in the slums.

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